Florida was discovered by Spanish settlers, so there are indeed many historic towns, including the first inhabited by Europeans and the permanent city of San Agustin (St. Augustine). And like California (like Santa Barbara, Carmel or San Diego), you can admire the colonial architecture in Florida. And the tropical climate makes visiting these towns even more exotic.
St. Augustine is the first European city in the United States, famous for the beautiful old town, the lighthouse, the mighty Castillo de San Marcos and the beaches of Anastasia Island.
Micanopy is the self-proclaimed capital of antiquities in America. The city’s residents have decided they have enough antiques on the streets to earn the title. And the shady alleys make the town look like Savannah, Georgia. Mikanopi also hosts the Harvest, Music and Crafts Festival in the fall.
Kissimmee is a small town near Orlando, also focused on Florida vacationing with kids. And this is where the Walt Disney World Resort, Universal Orlando Resort and SeaWorld Orlando are located. And the Everglades and several iconic outlet stores are also nearby. All in all, Kissimmee is for those who want to stand out from the crowd when traveling to Florida with kids.
The White House on Key West (Little White House) was a winter home for President Harry Truman. He lived and worked in Key West, figuring his productivity increased in Florida. Much better to live in the tropics than in cloudy Washington, who could argue?
The Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse is a lighthouse standing by a narrow bay whose construction was commissioned by George Gordon Meade, the future victor of General Lee at the Battle of Gettysburg. The lighthouse was built in 1860 and is still in operation today.